DPW-24352- Department of Health and Welfare State Hospital North Replace Fire Lane Asphalt

Asphalt work and traffic controls.


Accepting Bids

Prebid Date5/14/24 1:00pm

Bid Date5/28/24 1:00pm

Company & Contacts

Idaho Division of Public Works
Barry Miller  


Orofino, Idaho

A description of the Work of this project can be summarized to include: Milling and overlay of

approximately 400-feet of existing asphalt roadway/drive aisle. Asphalt pavement section removal of

approximately 300-feet of existing asphalt roadway/drive aisle. Work expected to include traffic control,

pedestrian control, asphalt saw cutting, asphalt pavement removal, installation of erosion control

measures, road base fine grading, clean-out valve box and catch basin adjustments and topographic survey

of installed asphalt pavement. The project may involve additional work for soft spot repairs and pavement

repairs. Extents of the additional work are unknown and will be field determined by the geotechnical


Estimated Cost: $147,000.00